?HV HIPOT GDHG-306D? CT/PT Analyzer
The first reason is that the secondary side of the current transformer is caused by an open circuit due to weak wiring
In the process of using a current transformer, if the secondary side opens due to wire disconnection, the current will be equal to zero and the impedance will be infinitely large. We know that a current transformer is actually a step-up transformer, so it generates a very high electromotive force on the secondary coil, sometimes reaching a voltage of several thousand volts, which increases the magnetic flux density of the current transformer and leads to severe saturation of the iron core. Overheating of the iron core and burning of the current transformer is one of the common causes of current transformer burning.
The second reason is that the overload operation time is too long. If the current transformer is overloaded for a long time, the coil will heat up. If the time is long, the current transformer will burn out due to overheating of the coil.
The third reason is the burning caused by the increase in contact resistance on the secondary side. If the conductive material connected to the current transformer does not meet the requirements during use, it will lead to excessive contact resistance in the wiring and generate heat. When the heat reaches a certain temperature, the current transformer will also burn out.
Post time: Jun-21-2024